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17 Best Telomere Supplements to Naturally Increase Telomere Length in 2024

Telomere Supplements

Telomere supplements are increasingly noted for their possible benefits on aging and lifespan extension. Telomeres, the protective caps of chromosomes, gradually diminish with aging. This shortening is associated with various age-related diseases and even premature death. Scientists have been researching ways to lengthen telomeres, and several supplements have emerged as potential solutions.

The process of telomere lengthening involves the enzyme telomerase, which can add nucleotides to the ends of chromosomes and thereby extend their protective telomeres. Researchers hope to slow aging and improve overall health by increasing telomerase activity. As a result, a growing market for telomere-boosting supplements has emerged, with various products claiming to increase telomere length naturally. Read more here: Telomere Length and Longevity: Unlocking the Secrets to Aging.

Key Takeaways

  • Telomere supplements aim to support the lengthening of telomeres and promote healthier aging.
  • Telomerase is a key enzyme involved in elongating telomeres.
  • Numerous products claim to increase telomere length and improve health, but further research is needed for conclusive evidence.

Understanding Telomeres and Telomerase

Understanding Telomeres and Telomerase

Brief Overview of What Telomeres Are

Telomeres serve as protective caps at chromosome ends, safeguarding them from damage. With each cell division, these caps shorten due to replication limitations, leading to a finite number of divisions before a cell enters senescence or dies. Short telomeres are associated with aging and related diseases. Therefore, preserving telomere length through healthy lifestyle choices can promote cellular longevity and overall wellness.

As cells divide and replicate their DNA during normal cell division, the telomeres cannot be fully duplicated and slowly shortened due to the inherent function of DNA polymerase enzymes. Controlled shortening of telomeres acts as a biological clock by capping the division potential of cells, leading to either senescence or programmed cell death after a certain number of divisions. The length of telomeres influences the aging process on a cellular level, and research has linked shorter telomeres to age-related diseases and mortality risk. Maintaining telomere integrity through lifestyle factors like nutrition, exercise, stress management, and sleep can help optimize cellular health, function, and longevity by protecting these critical caps at the end of our DNA strands.

The Function of The Enzyme Telomerase

Telomerase is an enzyme that aids in maintaining and extending telomere length. It adds the TTAGGG base pairs to the ends of chromosomes, thus counteracting telomeres’ natural shortening during each cell division. Here’s a brief overview of the telomerase function:

  • Lengthens telomeres by adding TTAGGG base pairs
  • It helps maintain chromosome stability
  • Found in high concentrations in stem cells and white blood cells

The Relationship Between Telomeres, Telomerase, and Cellular Aging

The length of telomeres serves as a biomarker of biological age and cellular health. As telomeres shorten, they trigger cellular senescence and eventual death.

Here are some key points to understand the relationship between telomeres, telomerase, and cellular aging:

  1. Telomere Shortening: Your telomeres naturally shorten as you age due to repeated cell divisions. This process eventually leads to reduced functioning and cell death.
  2. Telomerase Activity: By extending telomeres, telomerase can delay cellular senescence and promote cell longevity, positively affecting biological age. However, its activity declines with age and varies among individuals.
  3. TERRA: Telomeric repeat-containing RNA (TERRA) is a non-coding RNA molecule involved in telomere maintenance. It regulates telomerase activity and is crucial for preserving telomere integrity.

In summary, maintaining optimal telomere length is essential for cellular health, and telomerase plays a vital role in preserving telomere structure. By boosting telomerase levels, you may slow cellular aging and promote longevity.

The Science of Telomere Lengthening

Science of Telomere Lengthening

How Telomere Lengthening Works

Telomeres are repetitive nucleotide regions at each end of a DNA molecule that protect the end of the chromosome and prevents degradation and fusion by maintaining genomic stability. Telomere length shortens as cell division occurs, and it is an indicator of biological aging. Telomeres play a central role in cell fate and aging by adjusting the cellular response to stress and growth stimulation based on previous cell divisions and DNA damage. Telomerase is the enzyme responsible for the maintenance of the length of telomeres by the addition of guanine-rich repetitive sequences. Telomerase activity is exhibited in gametes and stem cells, whereas somatic cells have low or undetectable levels of this activity, and their telomeres undergo a progressive shortening with replication.

Telomerase activity is reactivated in most cancers and immortalized cells. Telomerase extension can reverse telomere shortening and turn back the aging clock in cultured human cells. Lifestyle factors can affect the rate of telomere shortening. Certain agents associated with specific lifestyles may expedite telomere shortening by inducing damage to DNA in general or, more specifically, at telomeres and may, therefore, affect the health and lifespan of an individual. Exercise for more than six months is associated with changes in telomere length. The evidence gathered to date shows that aerobic exercise slows telomere shortening.

The Role of Telomerase in Telomere Lengthening

Telomerase is a specialized RNA-protein complex enzyme that helps maintain and extend telomeres. It achieves this by adding the necessary DNA sequence to the ends of the chromosomes, allowing for healthier cell replication and slowing the aging process.

Maintaining a sufficient level of telomerase activity could help delay telomere shortening and contribute to overall longevity. Increased telomerase activity can be promoted through specific nutrients and supplements and lifestyle changes such as regular exercise, stress reduction, and proper sleep.

Scientific Studies Supporting Telomere Lengthening

Various studies have demonstrated the potential of certain factors in promoting telomere lengthening. Below are some notable findings:

  • A study showed a modified type of RNA containing the coding sequence of TERT (the active component of telomerase) resulted in increased telomere length.
  • Nutraceutical supplements have been associated with increased leukocyte telomere length in an experimental group, demonstrating the potential benefits of specific dietary interventions (source).
  • Research has demonstrated that consuming certain nutrients, like vitamin D and omega-3 fatty acids, in sufficient amounts can aid in preserving telomere length and promoting cellular health. (source).

17 Best Telomere Supplement Reviews

Best Telomere Supplement

Astragalus Root Extract

Astragalus root extract is a popular telomere supplement due to its potential to lengthen telomeres. Its main bioactive components, Cycloastragenol (CAS: 84605-18-5) and Astragaloside IV (CAS: 84687-43-4) are believed to activate telomerase and protect telomeres from damage. Some studies have shown a positive correlation between astragalus extract supplementation and leukocyte telomere length. However, more research is needed to prove its efficacy.


Cycloastragenol (CAS: 84605-18-5) is a natural compound in the astragalus root. It is believed to activate telomerase, the enzyme responsible for maintaining telomere length. Some user reviews have noted overall health and well-being improvements after beginning a cycloastragenol supplement regimen. Prices for cycloastragenol-based supplements can vary, but choosing a product with a high purity level is essential to ensure its effectiveness.

Astragaloside IV 98%

Astragaloside IV (CAS: 84687-43-4) is another active compound in the astragalus root extract believed to promote telomere health. Research suggests it may support the immune system and protect cells from oxidative stress. Choose a product with 98% purity for the best results. However, further research is needed to validate these findings.

Vitamin D

Optimal health requires adequate intake of Vitamin D, and research suggests that a deficiency in this nutrient may contribute to shortened telomere length. Sufficient vitamin D levels through sun exposure, diet, or supplementation are essential for maintaining telomere length. Several studies have indicated a correlation between higher vitamin D levels and longer telomeres.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Consuming omega-3 fatty acids is crucial for promoting general well-being, and scientific studies have associated their consumption with longer telomeres. A study found that reducing plasma levels of omega-6 fat (which are harmful) and increasing levels of omega-3s (found in fish oil) increased telomere lengths. This improvement was attributed to reduced inflammation and oxidative stress from higher levels of omega-3s.


DHA is vital for brain and eye health and is linked to maintaining telomere length and supporting cellular longevity. It is found in fish oil and some seaweed sources. Research suggests that DHA can reduce oxidative stress and inflammation, ultimately helping to protect telomeres and promote longevity.

Milk Thistle

Milk thistle is a natural supplement known for its liver-protective effects. Studies suggest its active compound, silymarin, also has antioxidative properties, which could help protect telomeres from damage. However, more research is needed to confirm its efficacy in telomere protection.

Folic Acid

Folic acid, a B vitamin, plays a vital role in DNA synthesis and repair. Research has suggested that adequate levels of folic acid may help protect and lengthen telomeres, as deficiencies in this nutrient have been linked to shorter telomeres and increased cellular aging.

Pyrroloquinoline quinone (PQQ)

Pyrroloquinoline quinone (PQQ) is a compound that acts as a cofactor, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory agent. Its CAS number is 72909-34-3, and its molecular formula is C14H6N2O8. PQQ is available in various purities, ranging from 95% to 99%.

Research has shown that PQQ may have a positive impact on telomere length. Studies suggest that PQQ may help to support telomere length maintenance and potentially promote healthier aging at the cellular level. Scientific evidence and studies supporting the efficacy of PQQ have been promising, with research indicating that it may have neuroprotective effects, support mitochondrial function, and boost cognitive performance. However, more research is needed to fully understand the extent of PQQ’s benefits and potential side effects.


Nicotinamide mononucleotide (NMN) is a compound that produces NAD+ (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide), a coenzyme that plays a crucial role in cellular metabolism and energy production. Its CAS number is 1094-61-7, and its molecular formula is C11H15N2O8P.

Animal and human studies have found that NMN supplementation can increase telomere length over time, which is thought to occur via NMN’s ability to boost NAD+ and subsequently activate SIRT1 and telomerase. Longer telomeres are associated with reduced cellular aging and senescence.

Additional research shows NMN may protect against age-related conditions by improving metabolic health, cognition, and muscle quality and extending lifespan in preclinical models. However, more clinical trials are still needed.


Spermidine raw material is a polyamine compound involved in cell growth and survival. Its CAS number is 124-20-9, and its molecular formula is C7H17N3.

Spermidine supplementation has been shown to increase autophagy and directly activate the expression of telomerase reverse transcriptase (TERT), the catalytic subunit of telomerase. Telomerase is responsible for rebuilding telomeres and counteracting their shortening during cell division.

Several studies have found spermidine intake can significantly increase telomere length in cultured human cells and in vivo in mice and humans. This anti-aging effect of spermidine at the telomere level may contribute to its ability to extend lifespan in model organisms.


Resveratrol ingredient is a natural polyphenol compound produced by several plants when attacked by pathogens such as bacteria or fungi. Its primary botanical sources are Polygonum cuspidatum, grapes, blueberries, and peanuts. The CAS number of resveratrol is 501-36-0, and its molecular formula is C14H12O3.

Research has shown resveratrol can increase telomerase activity and telomere length. It does this by upregulating the expression of telomerase reverse transcriptase (TERT), a key subunit of the telomerase enzyme complex. Telomerase plays a vital role in maintaining and rebuilding telomeres.

Several animal and human studies have linked resveratrol supplementation to longer telomeres and reduced cellular senescence. This anti-aging effect contributes to resveratrol’s potential benefits for age-related diseases.


Quercetin, a flavonoid found in various fruits and vegetables like Sophora japonica extract, onions, and apples, has a CAS number of 117-39-5 and a molecular formula of C15H10O7. It’s thought to protect telomeres from shortening by acting as an antioxidant and potentially enhancing telomerase activity. While some studies indicate positive effects on telomere length, conclusive evidence is still emerging.


Curcumin is a yellow-colored polyphenol compound in the spice turmeric (Curcuma longa). Turmeric has been used in Indian and Chinese medicines for centuries.

The CAS number of curcumin is 458-37-7, and its molecular formula is C21H20O6. Curcumin derives from diferuloylmethane.

Research has shown curcumin can positively impact telomeres in several ways. It inhibits the enzyme telomerase, which can induce telomere shortening in cancer cells, slowing proliferation. However, curcumin protects normal cells from oxidative damage to telomeres and DNA.

Some studies have found curcumin supplementation increases telomerase activity and sheltrin/POT1 binding to telomeres, suggesting it may support telomere integrity and length maintenance. This correlates with curcumin’s proposed anti-aging and anti-cancer properties.

Coenzyme Q10

Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) is a naturally occurring quinone compound in humans and most eukaryotic organisms. It is not derived from any specific botanical source but can be synthesized by the human body and obtained through dietary intake of meats and certain plant foods. The CAS number of CoQ10 is 303-98-0, and its molecular formula is C59H90O4.

CoQ10 plays a vital role in the mitochondria as part of the electron transport chain, helping to generate energy in the form of ATP. It is also a potent lipid-soluble antioxidant.

Several studies have found that CoQ10 supplementation may help support telomere length and integrity. This is likely due to its antioxidant effects, as oxidative stress can damage telomeres over time. CoQ10 may also interact with telomerase to help maintain telomere length homeostasis.

Several human trials have linked CoQ10 supplementation to stabilized telomere length and reduced shortening rates. This correlation provides scientific support for CoQ10’s proposed anti-aging benefits at the cellular level.

More research is still needed, but the available evidence suggests CoQ10 shows promise as a natural compound that may help support telomere health and longevity when obtained regularly through dietary sources or supplements.

Korean Ginseng Extract

Korean Ginseng Extract is obtained from the root of the Panax ginseng C.A. Meyer plant, a species indigenous to Korea and renowned for its medicinal properties. The extract contains a complex mixture of ginsenosides and saponins unique to ginseng, each having different molecular structures; a common one is Rb1 with the formula C54H92O23.

These ginsenosides are believed to impact telomere length through their antioxidant properties, potentially protecting cells from oxidative stress and slowing the rate of telomere shortening. Research indicates that ginsenosides may activate telomerase, an enzyme that helps maintain telomeres. Although animal studies and some epidemiological evidence suggest that ginseng consumption could be associated with signs of delayed aging and longer telomere length, these findings are preliminary. More comprehensive clinical research is necessary to fully understand Korean Ginseng’s effects on telomeres and substantiate its efficacy in human aging.


As you know, numerous supplements are available to support telomere health and potentially increase their length. Some of these options stand out due to their scientific evidence and effectiveness. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is crucial, and you should think about adding the following supplements to your daily regimen:

  • Omega-3 fatty acids: These essential nutrients found in fish oil are linked to longer telomeres. Consider adding a high-quality omega-3 supplement to your regimen.
  • Vitamin D: Adequate vitamin D levels are associated with increased telomerase activity; a study found supplementation with 2000 IU/day increased activity by over 19%.
  • Coffee: Consuming high levels of coffee may be associated with longer telomeres.

By incorporating these suggestions into your lifestyle and considering the use of telomere-supporting supplements, you can take proactive steps toward supporting your overall health and longevity.

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