Dr. Andrew Huberman’s Ultimate Longevity Protocol: Supplements, Diet, Peptides & Exercise for Anti-Aging (2024 Guide)

Dr. Andrew Huberman's Ultimate Longevity Protocol Supplements, Diet, Peptides & Exercise for Anti-Aging (2024 Guide)

As Shenzhen Hygieia Biotech, China’s leading longevity ingredients manufacturer, we recognize the significance of Dr. Andrew Huberman’s work in anti-aging. A renowned neurobiology professor at Stanford University, Dr. Huberman has gained prominence for translating complex scientific concepts into practical lifestyle interventions.

In “Dr. Andrew Huberman’s Ultimate Longevity Protocol: Supplements, Diet, Peptides & Exercise for Anti-Aging (2024 Guide),” we explore his comprehensive approach to longevity. This protocol aligns closely with our mission to develop high-quality longevity ingredients, offering valuable insights for consumers and industry professionals pursuing extended healthspans and lifespans.


Key Takeaways

  • Prioritize consistent sleep patterns and morning hydration
  • Incorporate varied exercise routines throughout the week
  • Focus on whole foods and stress management techniques for overall well-being

Maintaining a Healthy Lifestyle

Your daily routine starts with getting to bed by 10-11 PM and waking up around 6 AM. Consider a 10-30 minute yoga or Nidra session if you’re not well-rested. Begin your day by hydrating with 16-32 ounces of water and exposing yourself to sunlight or a 10,000 lux light.

Your workout schedule is consistent and efficient:

  • Monday: Leg day (1 hour)
  • Tuesday: Rest day (optional heat/cold exposure)
  • Wednesday: 25-30 minute run at 85% effort
  • Thursday: Upper body and core
  • Friday: 10-minute high-intensity cycling
  • Saturday: Short resistance training
  • Sunday: Long walk, hike, or 60-90 minute jog

This routine targets all muscle groups, balances strength, and cardio, and takes less than an hour per session. It’s designed for overall fitness, not specialization.

Your nutrition focuses on minimally processed foods. A typical day might look like:

  • 11 AM: Meat, berries, rice/oatmeal, vegetables
  • Afternoon snack: Protein drink, nuts, jerky, or bone broth
  • Dinner: Vegetables, pasta, rice, or risotto (less protein-heavy)

You manage stress using the physiological sigh: two inhales through the nose and a long exhale. This simple technique can help reduce stress and improve overall well-being.

Optimizing Sleep Patterns

Bedtime and Rise Times

Your sleep schedule plays a crucial role in maintaining overall health. Aim to be in bed by 10:00 PM or 11:00 PM. Set your alarm for around 6:00 AM to establish a consistent wake-up time. This routine helps regulate your body’s internal clock and promotes better sleep quality.

If you struggle to fall asleep or wake up feeling unrested, consider incorporating a 10-20 minute yoga nidra or meditation session. These practices can help calm your mind, prepare your body for sleep, or energize you for the day ahead.

Rest and Recovery Techniques

Start your day by hydrating properly. Drink 16-32 ounces of water upon waking to replenish fluids lost during sleep. Follow this by exposing yourself to natural sunlight, which helps regulate your circadian rhythm. If sunlight isn’t available, use a 10,000 lux light as an alternative.

For enhanced recovery and stress reduction, try alternating between sauna sessions and cold exposure:

  1. 20 minutes in the sauna
  2. 3-5 minutes of cold exposure
  3. Repeat this cycle three times

This thermal training can be particularly beneficial on rest days. Listen to audiobooks or podcasts during your sessions to make the most of this time. Remember to finish with a warm shower for comfort.

Incorporate the physiological sigh technique to manage stress throughout the day. This involves two inhales through the nose and a long exhale to empty your lungs. Use this breathing exercise whenever you feel overwhelmed or tense.

Hydration and Sun Exposure

Prioritize hydration first thing in the morning. Aim to drink 16 to 32 ounces of water upon waking to replenish fluids lost during sleep. This simple habit can jumpstart your metabolism and improve mental clarity.

Seek natural sunlight exposure early in the day. Step outside for a few minutes after waking to synchronize your circadian rhythm. If outdoor sunlight isn’t accessible, consider using a 10,000 lux light therapy lamp as an alternative.

These practices support your body’s natural wake-sleep cycle and can boost energy levels throughout the day. Consistent hydration and light exposure may also improve mood and cognitive function.

Remember to maintain hydration throughout the day, not just in the morning. Carry a water bottle and sip regularly. Adjust your intake based on activity level, climate, and individual needs.

Workout Plan

Weekly Training Overview

Your weekly exercise routine is structured and consistent. You engage in six weekly training days, balancing resistance work with cardio. The schedule includes three weight training sessions, two runs of varying intensity, and one high-intensity interval workout. Each session is carefully planned to maximize efficiency, with most workouts lasting under an hour.

Lower Body Focus

You start the week with leg day, targeting calves, hamstrings, and quads. Key exercises include glute-ham raises, hack squats, leg curls, leg extensions, and calf raises. This comprehensive lower body workout takes about an hour. You emphasize maintaining a strong posterior chain and progressively increasing intensity without risking injury.

Recovery Techniques

The day after leg training is dedicated to rest and recovery. You incorporate heat and cold exposure for optimal healing. Your ideal routine involves alternating between 20 minutes in the sauna and 3-5 minutes of cold exposure, repeated thrice. This thermal training aids recovery and offers additional health benefits.

Endurance Running

Midweek, you perform a 25-30 minute run at about 85% effort. This session challenges your cardiovascular system without pushing to maximum exertion. It’s designed to improve your stamina and maintain overall fitness.

Upper Body and Core Training

Your torso workout includes overhead pressing, dips, pull-ups or chin-ups, and rowing exercises. You also focus on abdominal work and incorporate neck training to maintain proper posture and head stability. Special attention is given to rear deltoids and external rotation to counteract the effects of prolonged sitting.

Sprint Intervals

You dedicate one day to high-intensity interval training on an assault bike. The workout consists of eight rounds of 10-second all-out efforts and 20 seconds of rest. This brief but intense session takes just 10 minutes and effectively targets your cardiovascular system and legs.

Weekend Activities

Saturdays involve a short resistance training session focusing on smaller muscle groups like biceps, triceps, and calves. Sundays are reserved for longer, low-intensity activities such as hiking with a weighted backpack or a 60-90 minute jog. These sessions allow for social interaction or personal reflection time.


You might find that delaying your first meal until around 11 AM works well. A balanced lunch could include protein sources like meat, berries, rice or oatmeal, and vegetables. This combination provides a mix of nutrients to fuel your day.

Eating Habits

  • Follows a diet high in minimally processed foods.
  • Meals include meat, berries, rice/oatmeal, vegetables, and occasional heavier starches.
  • Snacks might include protein drinks, nuts, or jerky.
  • Dinner is often lighter with more emphasis on vegetables.


  • Takes various supplements, including:
    • Tongkat Ali for testosterone support.
    • EPA/DHA from fish oil for essential fatty acids.
    • Multivitamins, ginger capsules, digestive enzymes, zinc, vitamin D/K2, and magnesium for sleep.

Snacks and Protein Consumption

In the afternoon, consider having a light snack. Options might include:

  • Protein shake
  • Handful of nuts
  • Jerky stick
  • Cup of bone broth

These choices can help maintain energy levels between meals.

Evening Meal Preferences

You may want to focus more on vegetables and starches than protein for dinner. Some ideas include:

  • Pasta dishes
  • Rice-based meals
  • Risotto
  • Vegetable-heavy plates

Occasionally, you might enjoy a heartier meal like a steak dinner. To promote better sleep, try to finish eating a couple of hours before bedtime. This meal timing and composition approach can support your overall health and fitness goals.

Managing Stress Through Effective Techniques

Incorporating stress management techniques into your daily routine can significantly improve your overall well-being. One powerful method is the physiological sigh, which involves two inhales through the nose, and a long exhale. You can use this technique whenever you feel overwhelmed or stressed.

Practice the physiological signs regularly:

  • Take two quick inhales through your nose
  • Follow with a long, slow exhale
  • Empty your lungs completely

This simple breathing exercise can help reduce your stress levels quickly and effectively. It’s a tool you can use anytime, anywhere, without drawing attention to yourself.

Research has shown that dedicated breathwork can lead to positive changes in various aspects of health. Spending just 5 minutes a day on cyclic sighing may result in:

  • Lower resting heart rate
  • Reduced blood pressure
  • Improved sleep quality
  • Enhanced mood

While a formal breath work practice can be beneficial, you don’t necessarily need to set aside specific time for it. Instead, incorporate the physiological sigh into your day as needed. Use it when you feel your stress levels rising or need a reset.

By including this technique in your stress management toolkit, you can better navigate daily challenges and maintain a more balanced state of mind.

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